Three opportunities to create the career of your dreams!

Hi Reader,

Hope your week is off to a great start so far! I'm popping into your inbox with a quick update to share a few opportunities to work on your career goals!

1. Check out my appearance on the Tech Less podcast!

If you've got 50 minutes to spare (or 25 if you like to listen on double speed), check out my conversation with April Rust on the Tech Less podcast. We chat about having a non-linear professional background, learning to celebrate it, and finding roles where you'll thrive. If your career path has been a bit of a winding road, this episode's for you.

2. Attend Empowered Career Storytelling with Tech Ladies!

If the podcast makes you feel excited to tell your career story, check out the Empowered Career Storytelling event tomorrow, June 26th at 10am PT/1pm ET. If you can't attend live, the event will be recorded for you to catch up with later. Register to learn applicable techniques for how to convey all your exciting accomplishments, even when not all of them seem "professional"!

3. Attend the Get WEIRD to Plan Your Career Workshop with Tech Ladies!

If you missed out on registration for the WEIRD process pilot program and you're ready to take even further action and make a detailed plan for the next step in your career, attend this activity-packed workshop. It's a 90-minute micro version of the WEIRD process program featuring both live coaching and exercises you can use to move your plan forward even after the session is over! Tickets are $25 and the event will not be recorded in order to foster a safe space for live coaching; however, honor-system, need-based accessible pricing options are available to reduce or remove the cost.

For those of you who are registered for the WEIRD process pilot beginning on July 9th, I am so excited to get WEIRD with you all this summer!

Have a great week and stay weird!

Cee | Cultivate Your Weirdness

Cultivate Your Weirdness

Beat burnout, banish "broductivity" and deliver meaningful impact in line with your energy, authenticity and values. I write about career development, compassionate leadership, personal branding, entrepreneurship/side humbles (side hustles without the hustle), being multipassionate, celebrating your neurodivergent brain, recapturing playfulness and more!

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