[Unprecedented offer inside!] A clumsy kid trying to pivot gracefully on the dance floor

Hey there! I hope the start of your week has been full of moments of unexpected joy.

What I’m learning lately

I recently joined a course on newsletter growth which started this week. I’m taking it with a couple other small business friends. The goal of this course is to grow a free newsletter that delivers value and helps connect you with the community you serve best. While I have experience writing newsletters for other brands, even brands I’ve created, this brand is the most personal to me that I’ve ever created, and through this course, I will be doing a deeper dive into how I can best deliver value to you and other folks who subscribe in the future.

The clumsy kid’s guide to pivoting: keep your balance

When I was a kid, despite being very clumsy, I took dance lessons for a few years. In dancing, when you pivot, you anchor your weight on one foot in order to use the other to quickly change direction. Then, once you’re able to balance on your anchor foot, you can pivot freely.

I don’t expect the essentials of Cultivate Your Weirdness or its newsletter to change much as I go through this newsletter course, but I may need to get more specific (“niche down”) and thus pivot a little bit in that direction. I’m grateful for my anchor: those among you who have been the most plugged in as I’ve been building my brand.

If you've participated in coaching or a workshop, offered feedback, engaged with my LinkedIn content, or read the newsletters I've sporadically shared thus far, thank you. Yes, you, Reader. I appreciate you immensely for your support and would love your help with a little research. This is the WEIRD process in action!

I’ve created a survey that goes into detail about some questions I’m exploring in order to deliver you as much value with this newsletter as possible moving forward. Because it will take time and energy to complete thoughtfully, as my thanks to all who complete the survey by the end of the day this Saturday, September 21st, I’m offering a week of free asynchronous coaching (a $150 value) to be scheduled during a week that’s convenient for you.

If you’d prefer to answer the survey questions via voice note, I recommend the free tool Async. You can send your Async voice notes to me via email or my Async handle.

Tell me more about asynchronous coaching!

Asynchronous coaching is like a weekly coaching session, but spread out over three full days, so that it fits into your life, not the other way around. It takes place over email (combined with Async if you’re a voice note fan, but this is optional). It includes three days of unlimited messaging (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) and is a great coaching option for those with a busy schedule, those who would like to take time to think about coaching questions before responding, or who would like to complete exercises and other coaching work throughout the week and receive timely feedback.


I have a drop-in group coaching session tomorrow (or maybe today by the time you're reading this) and would love to see you there! Or, check out other upcoming events on my events page.

To close, speaking of September 21st, out of that song and the many other songs about September, which one is your favorite?

It’s hard to choose! Of course, the one I previously referred to by Earth, Wind & Fire is a legendary classic. Have you heard this twist on it? This September song is also meaningful to me. Respond to this email with your favorite and I’ll tell you why these songs were my picks!

Have a great week!

Cee | Cultivate Your Weirdness

Cultivate Your Weirdness

Beat burnout, banish "broductivity" and deliver meaningful impact in line with your energy, authenticity and values. I write about career development, compassionate leadership, personal branding, entrepreneurship/side humbles (side hustles without the hustle), being multipassionate, celebrating your neurodivergent brain, recapturing playfulness and more!

Read more from Cultivate Your Weirdness
A laptop screen with splashes of different colors of paint coming out of it

Hi Reader, It's been almost two months since I've published my newsletter. What happened? I've been dealing with a variety of personal stuff, including chronic unwellness, that have taken time and energy away from creating and publishing content. One of the reasons I originally became self-employed was to be my own boss. However, being chronically ill, I'm still not my own boss - my body is. And it's quite the unpredictable boss. Unlike most bosses, this boss often tells me not to work. Like...

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