Plan your career with me today!

Hi Reader,

You've made it to Wednesday. Remember, the only thing you need to do in this moment is breathe. If everything else feels overwhelming right now, just take it all one thing at a time, and ask yourself what you can put down.

Events this week

The Get WEIRD to Plan Your Career Workshop is today and there's still time to register! Learn a variety of techniques to take action on your career plans while building community with other career builders.

The scheduling page for my free Lay It On Me sessions for those impacted by layoffs will close by 11:59 PM Pacific time tomorrow. If you haven't scheduled a session but would like to, please feel free to schedule one using the link while it's still up. Please also feel free to share it with anyone you know who might need it. I'll be announcing a replacement for these sessions soon. Stay tuned!

A slightly longer read

In lieu of a Question of the Week this week, I invite you to check out the blog post I wrote for Tech Ladies summarizing my Empowered Career Storytelling webinar that took place on June 26th. If you have a career question, please submit it using the form.

Have a weird week!

Cee | Cultivate Your Weirdness

Cultivate Your Weirdness

Beat burnout, banish "broductivity" and deliver meaningful impact in line with your energy, authenticity and values. I write about career development, compassionate leadership, personal branding, entrepreneurship/side humbles (side hustles without the hustle), being multipassionate, celebrating your neurodivergent brain, recapturing playfulness and more!

Read more from Cultivate Your Weirdness
A laptop screen with splashes of different colors of paint coming out of it

Hey there! I hope the start of your week has been full of moments of unexpected joy. What I’m learning lately I recently joined a course on newsletter growth which started this week. I’m taking it with a couple other small business friends. The goal of this course is to grow a free newsletter that delivers value and helps connect you with the community you serve best. While I have experience writing newsletters for other brands, even brands I’ve created, this brand is the most personal to me...

A laptop screen with splashes of different colors of paint coming out of it

Hi Reader, It's been almost two months since I've published my newsletter. What happened? I've been dealing with a variety of personal stuff, including chronic unwellness, that have taken time and energy away from creating and publishing content. One of the reasons I originally became self-employed was to be my own boss. However, being chronically ill, I'm still not my own boss - my body is. And it's quite the unpredictable boss. Unlike most bosses, this boss often tells me not to work. Like...

Hi Reader, Hope you’re having a weird week, in the best possible way! In spite of anything and everything challenging your joy and authenticity, what are you doing to find joy, rest, and connection with yourself? Question of the week How do you stay positive after several interviews and no offers? I’m so sorry to hear that you’re experiencing this. It can be incredibly frustrating to reach the interview stage, especially the final interview stage, multiple times and ultimately not receive an...