Get WEIRD in a group this July!

Hi Reader,

I hope you're having a great Thursday, or as my neighbor likes to call it, "Friday eve".

On time and making changes

It's hard to believe that we're almost halfway through 2024 and that the official start of summer (in the Northern hemisphere) is almost upon us as well.

If you're anything like me, maybe you feel like time is slipping through your fingers like sand.

Maybe you still feel stuck on the changes you aspired to make on January 1st of this year, or maybe even of a year long past.

Firstly, I feel solidarity with you as I've been there myself, many times. Sometimes, life just gets in the way of changes. Sometimes, we just get in our own way of making changes.

Do you know what can help immensely when leaping from your comfort zone into the wild unknown? Joining a supportive community of people doing the same thing.

One WEIRD Pilot and another cool event!

I have just 2 spots remaining in the summer pilot of The WEIRD Process. It's an accelerated version of the ten-week group program designed to implement changes in line with your energy, authenticity and values.

The group will meet for five Tuesdays at 12pm EDT (July 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th and August 6th).

There are some very exciting details related to this opportunity that you can find out by booking a call with me. Spots are limited to next week, as I will be summer unplugging after that until the pilot starts (except for June 26th when I'll be hosting Empowered Career Storytelling in partnership with Tech Ladies...will I see you there? :D).

I can already tell it's going to be a great group. Imagine what exciting changes you can move toward in five weeks while having fun and being yourself along the way.

I'd love to see you there. Hope to talk to you soon!

Cee from Cultivate Your Weirdness

Cultivate Your Weirdness

Beat burnout, banish "broductivity" and deliver meaningful impact in line with your energy, authenticity and values. I write about career development, compassionate leadership, personal branding, entrepreneurship/side humbles (side hustles without the hustle), being multipassionate, celebrating your neurodivergent brain, recapturing playfulness and more!

Read more from Cultivate Your Weirdness
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